

Assess the level of spatial uniformity in gene expression by calculating Moran’s I and/or Geary’s C and qualitatively explore correlations with sample-level metadata (i.e., tissue type, therapy, disease status). It is used to explore the relationship between a clinical (sample-level) variable of interest and the level of gene expression spatial uniformity within a sample.

The calculation of spatial statistics uses the SThet function of spatialGE and this is followed with multi-sample comparison using spatialGE’s compare_SThet.

Module Details


Refer to the Fridely lab documentation for SpatialGE for original details of the method.

In order to explore the relationship between spatial heterogeneity and phenotypic or clinical data, spatialGE implemented the estimation of two autocorrelation [Moran’s I (Moran, 1950) and Geary’s C (Geary, 1954)] methods using the R package spdep (Bivand, et al., 2011). Positive autocorrelation is indicated is by a high Moran’s I (Imax=1) and low Geary’s C (Cmin=0). When positive autocorrelation is observed in the context of ST, nearby spots tend to be similar in expression of a given gene. In other words, spots with high expression of a gene are near other spots with high expression, and spots with low expression of a gene are near other spots with low expression. When Moran’s I nears zero, and Geary’s C nears 1, gene expression within an ST slice is randomly distributed and compartmentalization of gene expression is not evident. Thus, Moran’s I and Geary’s C provide a measure of spatial uniformity in gene expression, and detection of transcriptionally divergent regions within a tissue.


Ospina, O. E., Wilson C. M., Soupir, A. C., Berglund, A. Smalley, I., Tsai, K. Y., Fridley, B. L. 2022. spatialGE: quantification and visualization of the tumor microenvironment heterogeneity using spatial transcriptomics. Bioinformatics, 38:2645-2647.


* indicates required parameter

Autocorrelation Parameters

Sample Comparison Parameters

Input Files

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